Get ready for an epic battle in this thrilling game where you're in charge of a powerful ship that must destroy enemies to win. With only three lives at your disposal, you'll need to use all your skills and cunning to emerge victorious. Take aim with your trusty mouse, maneuver your ship with the arrow keys or WASD, and don't forget to hit pause with the ESC key if you need a breather. So what are you waiting for? It's time to set sail and take on the enemy!

Significant Modifications:

  1. I changed the color schemes of the out-of-game menus, the pause screen, the LevelWinScreen, and the GameOverScreen.
  2. I edited the background of the main menu.
  3. I changed the title of the game to “Cosmic Clash.”
  4. There is a set of three levels increasing in difficulty.
  5. In level 3, some asteroids may take away a life when hit. They are destructible.
  6. I added a larger enemy ship in level 3.
  7. I made the background more interesting to look at, with planets, black holes, and space stations.
  8. The player can now replay the game.
  9. I added instructions.
  10. The asteroid border changes at each level.


Created by Owen Mathew


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